Team IMPACT connects and matches children facing serious illness and disabilities with college sports teams, creating long-term, life-changing experiences for everyone involved.

Team IMPACT has strengthened my communication skills, allowing me to build meaningful connections and create positive impact. 

The Fellowship Award honors the hard work of student-athlete fellows over the year, celebrating their dedication, creativity, and the growth of programming across their campus. 

Introducing Team IMPACT and highlighting the benefits to all of the coaches in the athletic department. 

Each summer, 180 student-athletes come together in Boston for the Team IMPACT Summit, where we connect, learn, and collaborate with athletes from across the country. 

February 2024, the families of all seven matches gathered with student-athletes for an Ice Cream Social before the basketball awareness game.

Bella leading the team cheer with Women's Swim & Dive. 

Anthony giving Men's Lacrosse post game handshakes. 

Softball celebrating their Ivy League Championship with Brooke. 

Brooke throwing out the first pitch at the Softball Team IMPACT awareness game.

Men's Basketball getting ready for a game with Jake.

Women's Swim & Dive Signing Day with Bella.